Brand YOUniversity - Dubai

Nowadays, brands are asserting themselves through different channels, but the main channels through which brands are blooming today are social media networks. Social media is emerging to be the”NOW and FUTURE of business.” If your business or your brand does not mark its stand on social media platforms, then you can say that it basically does not exist. Hosted by the one and only storyteller, viral content creator and experiment maker Jay Shetty, a 2-day event: Brand YOUniversity will be taking place on September 7 and 8, at the Conrad Hotel in Dubai. Jay will be mentoring you by guiding you through the steps of becoming a major social media influencer. You can get your tickets online, or by visiting your nearest Virgin Megastore. Book your tickets now! The event is happening in a few weeks!
After living as a monk for 3 whole years, Jay Shetty decided to revolve his life around service, impact and passion. Around the age of 25, he returned to London and got himself updated with what he had missed during his years as a monk. After a few months, Jay started sharing his insights on how his years as a monk had influenced him and how he was being able to apply what he had learned as a monk in today’s workplace. He quickly took over the digital world and became a “social media coach.” After getting noticed by Arianna Huffington, he started hosting HuffPost Lifestyle in New York. Soon after, he moved on to creating his own viral video agency and grew his brand from thereon. Since then, he has been invited as a keynote speaker by many major brands and companies such as Google, Facebook, HSBC, Coca-Cola… Jay has won many awards such as the 2015 Rising Star award, and the 2016 ITV Asian Media Award for Best Blog. During the 2-day event, Jay will be tackling different topics entitled: Brand to business, content mastery, distribution power, platform insights and monetization strategies. This will be your guide for learning how to become a social media celebrity, by attracting brands and companies, getting yourself more discovered, commanding more respect and authority on all platforms, and creating a lot more revenue from your social media presence.
Book your tickets to participate in this one-of-a-kind event: Brand YOUniversity on September 7 and 8. Learn how to become a social media influencer, and how to build your brand identity on different platforms. Master all social media platforms, create powerful content and discover new strategies for your brand/business; no matter its size and popularity. The event will take place at the Conrad Hotel in Dubai. Visit your nearest Virgin Megastore or book your tickets online.


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